About Tom
Tom Simons is a designer/developer based in Leiden, the Netherlands. He is
currently freelancing as a Unity developer for different projects.
He completed his
master's degree Industrial Design Engineering at the University of Twente in Enschede. Besides
his studies, he has served as a member of several committees and was a member of Board XXVII of
AEGEE-Enschede. He was also part of the organisation team of 'Spring Agora Enschede': a 6 day
conference for 750 international students at the University of Twente.
Tom was born in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, where he lived the first few years of his life. At
the age of three, he moved to the United States for one year, before moving to Singapore for
seven years. After returning to the Netherlands, he attended ‘Gymnasium Apeldoorn’, from which
he graduated in 2010. He moved to Enschede for his studies, and to Leiden after
In his free time, Tom loves to play the piano and to travel around the world. He loves all
aspects of design, from graphic design to engineering.. Whenever something needs to be designed,
Tom will be there to get the job done.
For a complete overview of Tom’s CV, click here.