Hedgehog Lake Handwritten Font

“Can you write this card? You have the best handwriting.” Was commonly heard question by Karin that inspired the creation of this font. Now anyone is able to write in her unique style. You can purchase the font on myfonts.com.
Hedgehog Lake includes over 400 glyphs for languages based on the latin alphabet and comes in two weights. Perfect for designs that need a human touch like invitations, titles, and more.
3D Flevoland

The project 3D-Flevoland consists of several 3D tools to aid governmental officials with their work related to urban and spatial planning. It is developed for a 3D Digital Twin of the province of Flevoland, built in the context of the Netherlands3D project. This project is an open-source initiative started by the City of Amsterdam aimed at creating an accurate 3D map of the Netherlands.
Features developed include: a tree simulation tool, displaying geo-information collected by SPOTInfo, and displaying CityJSON geo-objects in Unity.
For this project I worked in a Scrum Team, and used C# in Unity, and Microsoft Azure (Blob storage, Azure Command-Line Interface). You can find the Project demo website here.
Development Team (including Netherlands3D team): Wietse Balster, Arjan Koelewijn, Alex Lucassen, Sam Baas, Martijn van Gog, Dewi Becu, Justin Stolk, Nicole Archangel, Mike van Riel & Tom Simons.
Totaal Driedimensionaal

The project “Totaal Driedimensionaal“ aims to collect, create, and use 3D building- and geo-information for different governmental purposes. In the track “Use” solutions were developed for municipal officials to apply 3D information in their work. I worked on the development of a tool to allow users to add or amend existing 3D building data.
In the track “Use”, the City of Amsterdam tested what the prerequisites and requirements are for 3D data to be acquired, registered, and used in various applications. For this project I worked in a Scrum Team, and used C# in Unity, and Microsoft Azure (Azure Functions, Blob storage). You can find the Project demo website here.
Development Team: Bart Burkhardt, Iris Wilbrink, Bastiaan du Pon, Alex Peters, Wietse Balster, Daan Bloembergen & Tom Simons.
Demo Reel 2018-2021

Demo Reel of my work between 2018 and 2021. Projects include my employment at KLM and Skyrocket Your Team.
Click show more to see full project team details.
Team members at KLM include:
Alex Kok, Carolien Gilbers, Chris Roos, Daisy Navarette-Schuiten, Dilara Cancuk, Erik van Nieuwburg, Laura Möller, Roelof Jansen, Sam Baas, Shane de Hundt & Tom Simons.
Team members at Skyrocket Your Team include:
Gerardo García Díaz, Jorge Sánchez Hernández, Mayri Tiido, J. Felipe Molina Benito, Matthew Gigante & Tom Simons